Monday, June 13, 2016

Facebook Marketing For The Beginners

Today Facebook is one of the largest social medias across the world. nearly 1.3 billion users are using facebook today among which up to 64% users are logging in daily based. So today in this situation ignore facebook will not be a good decision for the marketers rather it is a foolish today. We can bet our ideal market using Facebook nearly every day. And the great option here is you can reach to the users which you have targeted and looking for.
What is The Type of Facebook Marketing
  • Facebook has three tools to market. Pages Groups and Ads. Sometimes it appears more difficult to the marketers to select the best and suitable option from these three. And some even know how the different tools works. Here i am discussing the three tools to give a primary view about the facebook marketing tools.
Facebook pages are as like as profiles, but for businesses, organizations, or public figures. Users can usually “Like” a page, which means they would automatically receive updates from your page in their news feed. Users also can have the option to “Like” a page without following it.
While profiles require a mutual relationship between peoples/friends, page can be liked by anyone, without the requirement for the page creator to accept. They also don’t have the restriction on the number of friends they can have as their wish (in profiles, which are limited to 5,000 friends only).
Market with pages of Facebook:
Profile Photo and the Cover Image"are the most effective and strong way to promote your brand and product. These profile picture ca be your company logo and the cover image can be a image that highlight your company product feature or a targeted sector
Then the "About" section is a strong way to market. It is just placed under the profile image of your page.This can be your chance to tell anyone who come to your page what your business does. Make sure you put original information here, to tell people what you’re company does, why your company different, and other interesting details. So you can take the time to write it specifically for your Facebook visitors. then the different tabs will also help you to promote such as "Photos" "likes" "Albums"
So, make sure what you are posting is useful to your audience. Don’t post endless updates about one thing, and don’t post too many update, in the news feeds of your fans.
Here are some ideas given for the kinds of things you might want to post to your timeline.
  • Links to articles related to your company or your products
  • Links to your blog posts site
  • Special Coupon Codes for fans to save on your products
  • New and renewed product announcements
Facebook is offering a fantastic specific advertising platform. You can create ads at specific geographic areas, religion, ages, education levels, and the types of devices used for browsing facebook. It also lets users close ads they do not like and Like a page.
There are a number of ad you can choose from. You can create ads that directly to your Facebook page, or a site not on Facebook. You can create ads for promoting a Facebook event to complete with an RSVP link. Can also create ads for mobile app installs and app. 
​Facebook groups are similar to discussion on forums, but it has some additional features that pages and profiles have.  You can create groups related to your product and can offer as a way to reach out to potential consumers.
Facebook can be just a strong, flexible and powerful marketing tool. it is not a matter what type of company you run, Facebook has enough different marketing options by which you can be tailored for your marketing efforts to fit your product, your budget and your time constraints.